Utah Tech University

CSET Professional Development Form


CSET Professional Development funds will be available for travel to support scholarship progression for the tenure/retention/promotion process. Based on the annual budget allocation from Academic Affairs, CSET Professional Development may fund up to $2,000 per person for this academic year. Given the limited availability of our current funding, we encourage all applicants to explore additional funding sources to support their travel needs before applying for this one.

Application timeline:

  • 90 days before the event, or
  • 60 days before the early registration submission deadline (whichever comes first).
  • If the events take place during summer, the application should be submitted before the end of Spring semester.
  • After completing the reimbursement process, please submit a “Post-Award Expense Report – YourName” detailing all reimbursed items and the total expenses. Send the summary to the following personnel. Failure to submit the report will result in the committee assuming that the full approved amount was spent.
    • Karen Cushing: karen.cushing@utahtech.edu
    • Bing Jiang: bing.jiang@utahtech.edu


  • Full-time faculty members.
  • An applicant may request up to the full amount in a semester and no more than the full amount of $2,000.00 may be awarded in an academic year.
  • An application may not include more than one professional development activity.
  • Priority will be given to first-time applicants for the current fiscal year. (Note that summer events before July 1st is considered the current fiscal year, after July 1st is considered fall semester, which is the next fiscal year).

Upon receipt of funding requests, the CSET Professional Development Committee will review the proposal based on the rubric developed by faculty and either approve or deny the request. If approved, they will also provide the amount of funding for the request.

The following rubric will be used to evaluate applications:

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Significance of the event High (national and/or international recognition) Significant (regional recognition) Notable (state recognition) Lack of evidence to assess the significance
Applicant role Distinguished (panel chair, first author, grant PI) Significant (podium or poster presenter, co-author, co-Pi) Notable (conference participant) Lack of evidence to assess the role
Faculty Impact High potential for advancing the applicant’s publication record, teaching, or promotion in rank. Significant potential for advancing the applicant’s publication record, teaching, or promotion in rank. Notable potential for advancing the applicant’s publication record, teaching, or promotion in rank. Lack of evidence to assess the impact
Institution Impact High potential for promoting University /College /Department scholarship/teaching mission, for advancing institutional capacity for scholarship (cross campus collaboration and/or student engagement). Significant potential for promoting University /College /Department scholarship/teaching mission. Notable potential for promoting University /College /Department scholarship/ teaching mission. Lack of evidence to assess the impact

Please note that applications must receive a score of at least ‘notable’ by the committee on each of the four criteria to be considered for approval.

The dean’s office will email a funding decision letter to the applicant via email informing the faculty member of the final decision. If funded, that letter will indicate which index code(s) the faculty member must enter into Chrome River to ensure the funds are encumbered correctly. Upon the return of applicants from the events, any remaining funds from the approved amount will be reallocated back to the funding poll.


For more information on the CSET Professional Development funding protocol and help with Chrome River, click here.

SET Professional Development Form

Personal Information

In this textbox, briefly describe the event's prestige and relevance to your field, your role, and how attending will enhance your publication record, benefit your department, college, and the university.

Event Details

Have you already received funding for Professional Development this year?
Will you be presenting at this event?

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

Requested Funding Details

US dollars only
e.g. parking, Rideshare, baggage, etc.


Are you currently involved in any funded projects (e.g., NSF grants, industry partnerships, or other research grants) that could also cover the travel, conference, or publication expenses for this trip?
Have you explored other funding sources for your upcoming trip?
Any external funding?